Healing The Chakras A Series
Length Approximately 2 hours per Class ~ Cost $300 for 8 classes OR $40 per class ~ Pay as you go ~ OR~ Buy a Package Deal: Please click link for details
Current availability for Online or One-On-One In Person Classes.
In-Person Group Classes are closed for winter. They will be starting back up in April 15th, on Tuesday Evenings for 8 weeks. Please see event page for details.
Group Classes for ONLINE are not available at this time, individual/ one-on-one classes are always open.
This series starts with a quick review of the chakras, and how we’ll be using the basics to help each layer of your healing journey through each chakra. We will also discuss how they help each other, and what to expect in the following workshops. The remaining 7 workshops will be a focus on each chakra, with a wrap up class at the end to celebrate your growth. You will learn the different colors, and their meanings, how you might be imbalanced or balanced. I also teach suggested tools your healing journey in each chakra, foods that work with each chakra, Energy Healing meditations to help you tune in to each, and help yourself heal. And much more! This course can also certify you are a Level I Reiki Practitioner as many of the techniques I teach in this series are also taught in Usui Reiki Level I. This is a choice of each student. Please see Reiki Services for more details.
Angels & Aliens In Energy Work
Length Approximately 2 hours ~ Cost $40
Online Classes or One-On-One In Person Classes ~ Group Classes Presently not Available.
The workshop will touch on a variety of to ask for help, guidance, and protection using the different Clair's. I ask that you bring what tools you have. I will have some available for you to get acquainted with, like pendulums, and crystals. I will also teach you how to make a variety of angel and energy blankets.
Card Divination Series
Length Approximately 2 hours x 7 sessions ~ $280 for FULL Series or $40 for Individual Classes.
Online Classes or One-On-One In Person Classes ~ Group Classes Presently *not* Available.
Package Deal for the Card Divination series. Both Online & In-Person: Includes Grounding, Shielding, & Smudging Course, 5 Tarot Classes Classes and 2 Oracle Card Classes, and a wrap up class with extras. A total of 9 Classes for $300.
This workshop series covers a brief history of tarot, and oracle cards, as well as Major vs Minor Archana, the different suits, what each mean, what each represents, and how to read them together, to better understand the message. I also help you understand your deck, and how it talks to you. The key to learning tarot is understanding what the various symbols mean for you.
The Clair’s of Intuition
Length Approximately 2 hours per class - Cost $40
Online Classes or One-On-One In Person Classes ~ Group Classes Presently not Available.
In this course I introduce you to several different activities to enhance your Clair Senses. What does that mean? Every Sense we have also has an energy sense. How your gut might taste cigar smoke when none is there, or how you see the spirit of someone past loved one, when no one else can. I help you to learn which one is your strongest and give you the tools to grow even stronger in that one, and in the others as well.
As of 2025 each Clair is being offered as it’s own course. Like the above class I’ll walk you through exercises related to that Clair and assist you to better connect and accept these abilities you were born with.
Clairalience: Clear Smelling / Clairaudience: Clear Hearing / Claircognizance: Clear Knowing / Clairgustance: Clear tasting / Clairsentience: Clear Emotion (of others) / Clair-tangency: Clear Touch / Clairvoyance: Clear seeing of the Future
Grounding, Shielding, & Smudging Workshop
Length Approximately 2 hours - Cost $60 ~ for 2 Classes.
Online Classes or One-On-One In Person Classes ~ Group Classes Aug 7 & 14 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm.
Course Description: In this workshop we will learn the basics about why it's important & helpful for us to ground, shield, and smudge. We will cover the different ways to do all, and take time practice them in class. At the end of class we will bring them all together, so you may see how they work to help you on all levels. This is a two part class.
Pendulum Divination
Length Approximately 2 hours - Cost $40
Online Classes or One-On-One In Person Classes ~ Group Classes Presently not Available.
Course Description: In this class I teach you how to connect to your pendulum, what all you can use a pendulum for (everything from healing, to answering important questions, ways to cleanse a pendulum, and how to build a relationship with it. If you do not have a pendulum, I can let you borrow one for class.
The Violet Elements
Length Approx. 2hours ~ Cost $40
Online Classes or One-On-One In Person Classes ~ Group Classes Presently not Available.
This workshop is a starting board to help you understand the Violet Flame Energy, as well as Earth, Wind, and Water. We will even touch on Spirit Energies that come forward to help with healing, releasing, and other energy work that can be done in person or on a global scale.
* We will be doing hands on work in the workshop
For Classes in Reiki Classes please see Reiki Services Page
For Akashic Record Classes Please See Akashic Record Services Page
For the Munay-Ki Course, Please See The Munay-Ki Services Page
Disclaimer for all Courses
*Please note* If you can't make the group workshop - All workshops are available online, or as one-on-one in person sessions.
*You Must RSVP to Attend Any Class*
*ALL Classes Will Start On Time, Do Not Come To Class More Than 5 Minutes Late*
*NOTE: NO REFUNDS, NO EXCEPTIONS! You ARE Responsible For Attending Your Class*