Upcoming events.
It all begins with an idea… This year I’m changing things up and posting a calendar of events to make it easier for everyone to decide how they want to approach their Spiritual Awakening, Self Care, or Healing Journey’s. I will have many options throughout the year. Please keep this page linked or sign up for my quarterly newsletter that will also keep you updated.
Reiki Kids Class coming Summer of 2025
Ages 5-10 / 10-14 / 15-17 ~ # Different weekends for 3 different age groups. Parent or Guardian required to attend.
Chakra Body Chart: Discover what a Chakra is through art projects
Reiki Talk: What is Reiki, History, & more
The Reiki Ideals
Learn 2 Reiki Meditations
What does it mean by “Scanning”
Practicums: hands-on self healing and table time
Kid Pricing: $50 each: 9:30am - 2:00pm - Snack Break Included
Adult Pricing: $30 without previous Reiki Training ~ Reiki I Certification at end of weekend
Adult Pricing: $20 with previous training ~ Certificate required for proof of previous classes.
CLOSED ~ Grounding, Shielding, & Smudging at Horse Power Healing Center
Where: Horse Power Healing Center When: Sept: 8 & 15 Cost $60 (prepaid) an extra $10 will be tacked on for drop-ins Time: 2pm - 5pm Reserve Your Spot Today
Both classes will teach you new concepts of how to release (ground), protect your energy (shield), and why smudging your home, or work space is a good idea. As well as different tools to use (Sage water verse a smudge wand). This is a two part series to allow for practice time with all areas of course description.
CLOSED ~ Healing Melodies on your Guided Journey
Cost is $30 for 2 hours when you reserve your space.
If you are paying at the door it's $40.
What: This is a guided mediation provided by Star Seed Reiki, healing music provided by Music Wellness with McKenzie. We will take you on a past life journey to explore, heal, and transform the lifetime that you are experiencing during this event. Bring a notebook, or another to record any messages you receive if you choose. We will do a short Mudra mediation to get everyone comfortable to start. We will then head into the hour plus Past Life Journey. After we will do one last short mediation to help everyone ground before wrapping up.
Grounding, Shielding, & Smudging Course
April 1 & 8, 2025 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm Cost for Group Class: $50
This package is a $10 savings. Sign up Here
This 2 part course helps you understand:
How to set intentions
How to gain an understanding of your own energy vs someone else, a buildings, or "the global energy"
How to release, the above- if and when needed
How the shield, protect your own energy from others, or negative sources
Different ways to smudge, or cleanse yourself, your home, work, car, groups, etc.
During part two I’ll ask how practicing over the week has gone.
Reiki/Energy Healing Shares
I am offering a Package Deal: Prepay for 10 Reiki Shares and receive half price of $10 for each evet. This makes the package deal $100. Use the 10 Reiki Shares anytime over the next year or gift this package to a friend, or use as a Pay It Forward option for someone who can’t afford and wants to attend.
These Events are start at 11am, Approx. Length 2 hours ~ might go over. First & Third Saturday of each month Except July ~ they will be held the second and third Saturdays. If you are interested in attending please follow this link to: Sign up Here
This event is for all levels, and all interests of Reiki, or other Energy Healing modalities. By popular request I am adding an extra reiki share each month starting in February. During the pandemic I changed up the Reiki Shares to Circles and also offered Holy Fire Reiki Circles as well. I provided medium sized Lotus throws for each person for sitting or laying down. This provided the 6 feet apart requirements of the era. Since then my students, clients and drop-ins have all said they appreciate the space, and enjoy the “Cheapest counseling money can buy.” Every Reiki Share I give an option of: Hands-On or Distance Reiki (sending healing energy across to each other), Mudra Meditations, or Energy Healing Meditations.
Healing the Chakras - a Series
April 15 - June 3, 2025 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm Cost for Group Class: $250
This Group Course is a $70 Savings. Sign Up Here
***This discount is not valid for any other package deal or otherwise. It is a special offer for this series ONLY*** *If you want to attend but can't pay the full cost up front, please contact me for payment options.
What will you learn in this series?
You will learn the different ways to approach healing yourself through the energy of each Chakra.
How your Shadow Work/ Trauma Work/ Mirror Work in each can best assist you on your Self Care / Healing Journey.
You will have a group of people supporting you as we share our own personal journeys over the 8 weeks.
You will be provided a lot of different ways to approach your Self Care & Healing and will be able to understand why there is so many different approaches, and ways to mix and match them for your best results.
Akashic Records
March 1, 2025 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm Cost for Group Class: $450
In this course we dive into what it means to be an Akashic Record Reader. The how to of going in for yourself, and others. This course is 5 classes. Why 5 classes?
You will develop a connection with the Lords of the Records, Masters, Teachers, Loved Ones, Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Elders, and Angels
Learn to use and write your own personal Sacred Akashic Record Prayer to enter and close a session
Learning Modules and Tools to assist you on your journey in raising your vibration, as well as after care for you and your client.
Develop your trust and confidences in how you receive the messages.
How to ask questions that will give you clear and complete answers
and much, much more
The Clair’s of Intuition Group Course
March , 2025 at 10:00am - 1:00pm Cost for Group Class: $250
This group course not only will help you enhance each Clair separately, but it will also you to understand how to utilize them as a team to better help you understand the messages you are receiving via your loved ones who’ve passed, your Spirit Guides, your Higher Self, and more. By the end of this series you will be more comfortable not only in how you are receiving messages, but you will also be more confident in your abilities. Class time will be a review of the Clair that will be focused and lots of time for exercises.